During World War II 5,568 McGill students, including 295 women, served in uniform. Of these, 298 were killed in action, 52 were taken as prisoners of war and 629 received medals. McGill staff also served in the war, and the Currie Gymnasium, opened in 1939, served as an armoury and military training centre for all.

Currie GymnasiumThe various McGill fields were used as training grounds for Montreal's Black Watch Regiment as well as the Canadian Officers' Training Corps (COTC) which trained university undergraduates for officer commissions in the Canadian Army as well as the Army Course for other ranks. .Other training contributions included the University Naval Training Division based on the McGill Campus, women's armed forces training at Macdonald Campus and air schools maintained in St. Hubert, St. Jean and on the McGill campus.

Digital images for World War 2 participants' files by name (McGill University Archives)

McGill War Records Office - General Lists:

Killed in action

Died of illness or injury

POW List

Women in Service

Macdonald College

McGill Staff

U.S. Forces

War Record Office statistics